Date: March 2, 2024
Place: Waring Theater, Arapahoe Community College
Check-in, bagels and coffee: 8:30 a.m.
Program: 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Fee: $25
Join Immigrant Pathways Colorado with experts from our community for bagels and coffee. Learn what is happening today in the Metro Area’s migrant community. Featured speaker is Christina Brown, founder, Executive Director and Board Chair of the Colorado Asylum Center. A representative of the Colorado State Office of New Americans has also been invited to speak.
How did we get here? Who and what kind of assistance is being provided? What are those in the trenches seeing, and what can WE do?
Come and participate in a thought-provoking and stimulating discussion. Register now at the link above!
Directions for free parking and to the Waring Theater will be sent after registration. Don’t miss another exciting, informational workshop from Immigrant Pathways Colorado! Register now!