Understanding why donors make gifts to nonprofits is always important to organizations like Immigrant Pathways Colorado. It turns out that there are many reasons, but a major one is belief in the nonprofit’s work and trust that it makes the best use of donors’ gifts.
For example, a donor who makes regular gifts to IPC has sent this statement to us:
I found Immigrant Pathways on ColoradoGives.org as I was looking for nonprofits to support. Given what’s unfolding in the world around us, and the negative perception of immigrants that is held by some, I felt it was important to support an organization that not only embraces immigrants but really helps them in achieving a better life than they had in the country they emigrated from.
We are a country of immigrants, and I feel immigrants should be embraced and offered support while they find their footing in this new country that they now call home.
By seeking resources from Immigrant Pathways, these individuals are demonstrating their desire to better their lives and be contributing members of society. Instead of turning our backs on them, I think their determination and desire should be celebrated and supported.
Another woman believes in IPC’s work and honors her mother with her donations. She told us:
When I heard about Immigrant Pathways, I immediately understood the value of an organization that is attempting to address the many needs of the immigrant community in this way. I want to support, in a concrete and helpful way, immigrants who face many barriers to achieving their goals. I am thankful that Immigrant Pathways provides me with this opportunity.
I make this donation in honor of my mother, who spent her life finding ways to support communities that had been marginalized. Thank you for all the good work that you do.
If you would like to share the reason(s) you support Immigrant Pathways Colorado, please contact us at info@immigrantpathways.org.