Hello again, friends,
I just wanted to bring you up to date on some amazing and wonderful statistics.
LI3 works closely with the Littleton Immigrant Resource Center at Bemis Public Library. The LIRC trains community members to be mentors to immigrants seeking to learn English and to become citizens. Community volunteers are matched one-on-one with immigrants, and the pairs study together at times and location (usually the library) convenient to both.
The pairs report the development of close friendships and two-way cultural understandings. Many of the mentors enjoy the experience so much that they volunteer over and over again!
I’m proud to announce that since the mentoring programs began, more than 450 immigrants have been assisted by 220 community volunteers.
If you’re interested in becoming a mentor, please contact the LIRC at 303.795.3968 or email libah@littletongov.org
Susan Thornton
Chair, LI3